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Easy Pancakes recipe

Easy Pancakes recipe

Pancakes are one of the most

 appreciated and popular dishes around the world. They can be served as a delicious breakfast or a light dessert, combining simplicity of preparation with a delicious taste that everyone loves. In this article, we offer you a pancake recipe with easy steps and simple ingredients, as well as some tips to get the best results.


  • 3 eggs (separate yolks from whites)
  • 250 ml of milk
  • A pinch of salt
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 200 grams of flour
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • Butter for greasing the pan

Steps of Preparation

  1. Preparation of the base batter:

    In a large bowl, beat the egg yolks with the milk, salt, and sugar until the ingredients are well blended.

    Add the flour and baking powder to the mixture and continue to beat until you get a smooth and homogeneous batter.

  2. Preparation of egg whites:

    In another bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form.

    Gently fold the beaten egg whites into the base mixture, being careful not to break the whites to maintain the lightness of the batter.

  3. Resting the batter:

    Cover the bowl with a clean towel and let the batter rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. This helps to make the pancakes lighter and fluffier.

  4. Cooking the pancakes:

    Heat a pan over high heat and grease it with a small amount of butter.

    Using a small ladle, pour a portion of batter into the pan and spread it lightly by moving the pan.

    When small bubbles appear on the surface of the pancake, use a thin spatula to flip it.

    Let it cook for another minute until the pancake is golden, then remove it and place it between two plates to keep it warm.

Tips for Perfect Pancakes

  • Use eggs at room temperature: This helps to achieve a more homogeneous batter.
  • Resting the batter: This allows the gluten in the flour to stabilize, improving the lightness of the pancakes.
  • Temperature control: The pan must be hot enough to ensure the pancakes are golden and evenly cooked.

By following these steps and tips, you will get delicious and perfect pancakes to enjoy with family or friends. You can serve them with a variety of toppings such as honey, fresh fruits, or melted chocolate. Enjoy your meal!


